This project is inspired by the character “HAL” from the film “2001 a space odyssey”, directed by Stanley Kubrick. I designed fonts in a way that would suit the features of its voice (e.g. emotionless, artificial) and personality. I experimented with the materials, choosing to use nuts and bolts in order to outline the shape of the letters and to achieve a futuristic aesthetic.
Building on the research, I developed an outcome that expresses the sentiments of the spoken text. I chose the scene when HAL is disconnected and his voice fades away while singing.
I replicated the old saying that a human sees all their life in front of their very eyes when they die, adapting it to the pixelated aesthetic of a computer. The cards are the “kaleidoscopes of memories” of HAL showing the abstract figuration of computing processes as they unfold. Suggestive for this concept was HAL’s death which brings back the memory of his origins and the “Daisy” song.