We all have stories to tell, whether we are children or adults and I decided to reveal mine in the form of a game, a treasure box of memories from my childhood about my grandparents and the house where I lived for 14 years.
Hence, this collection unveils everything that defined my personality and all the little things which provoke a sense of belonging.
The main component of this project consists of a designed box of 18 cards (each one of them containing an illustration and a description of a certain object/memory). These are hyperbolically described (as seen through a child’s eyes).
The box comes along with a floor plan (designed as a board game) of the house, in order to enhance the nostalgic character.
The main aim of the project is to create a homely atmosphere and to allow the audience to experience childhood through someone else’s eyes.
As I grew up in Romania, a country with a rich culture, I added decorative elements which are inspired by folk symbols that surrounded me.
Development work.
This following zine was incipient phase of the project, as it allowed me to start documenting the chosen subject, to reflect on the style of the illustrations and conceive the stories.